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Our First Community: Riacho da Porta

Riacho da Porta

Our partners in Brazil, Renato and Michele Cassula, found the community of Riacho da Porta, on the very edge of the drought area. This community became the first focus of ministry, outreach, and community development for Jacobs Well. The Cassulas knew that the way to gaining trust in this new community would be through intentional relationship-building. They formed friendships by visiting weekly, and sitting down on dirt floors to listen, drink café, and share meals together. The people of the drought have been used and abused by many people over the years, specifically politicians trying to bribe them for votes. Anyone who shows up in a nice car, with nice clothes, claiming they are there to “help” is a red flag of distrust. Yet, ongoing relationship building, consistent communication, and the love of Jesus, opened doors for further investment in this community.

In a previous blog post, Renato shared about how often, “big things,” begin with a tiny seed planted in our hearts. Once that seed is planted, it is nurtured by faith, and God matures this seed into a beautiful plant. Working alongside this community took a seed of faith, and God was faithful in miraculous ways! Renato had only been visiting Riacho da Porta for about 4 months, when God provided the money to drill a water well for the community!!!

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