Just a couple of months ago, several Jacob’s Well board members traveled to Brazil to participate in the community work underway and to explore new opportunities in other communities. As we head into the busy Fall season, we are encouraged to report that current and future opportunities are very promising!
Hydroponics and Cilantro Harvest in Riacho da Porta
The first hydroponics unit was installed during the June trip, and cilantro is healthy and growing! When each unit is working at full capacity, it will produce about $400/month in cilantro sales. The unit plus seed and nutrient expenses can be paid off in about 6 months, and ongoing net income is over $300/month thereafter – this is a game changer for families in this region, helping them to transition from barely-getting-by to stable and healthy. A gracious Jacob’s Well donor recently funded two units to expand cilantro production in Riacho da Porta to support the pastor and growing church there.
Jacob’s Well Pentecoste Region Field Office Renovation
The Springs Church in Colorado Springs brought both funding and a team down in July to work on renovations to the Jacob’s Well building just outside Riacho da Porta. From painting to electrical to other improvements, we are well underway to have the building operational soon to house the pastor and his family as well as other field office, training, and project demonstration spaces.
Future Opportunities
Jacob’s Well sent a small film crew to Brazil in July to film the work being done so that we can more effectively share the story of what is happening in these drought stricken communities and engage a larger base of ministry partners and participants.
This month, our Jacobs Well Brazil team is finalizing the details with federal, state, and local government partners to begin pilot program efforts in communities in the Morada Nova area. The partners and communities are very anxious to begin new Jacob’s Well projects. As you can imagine, as the scope and geography of Jacob’s Well programs expand, the demands on our small Brazilian team have been significant, signaling an urgent need for increased program and project management support.
As we look at our financial situation to support these ongoing needs, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a sustaining partner with us. Giving monthly helps us to support the program and spiritual support needed to continue these efforts, and one-time gifts help us secure materials for our ongoing water, sanitation, agricultural, and building renovation projects. The monthly support is of particular need right now as we take stock in the opportunities God has put before us and determine how to support them. Please consider supporting us as we head into the final months of 2017. Thank you!