The Riacho da Porta community recently hosted the designer of the hydroponics unit Jacob’s Well is using to provide on-site training on best practices. Attended by families from the community who have worked with the unit as well as those from the new communities of Morada Nova, this was an important next step to further the use of hydroponics farming across Jacob's Well communities. During the training, the correct construction of the unit was verified and instruction was provided on planting and how to make and maintain the fertilizer solution for optimal use with salty water. Jacob’s Well is very pleased to be able to work with the unit designer to ensure success of the project.
As a result, a new crop will be planted in the existing unit in Riacho da Porta. 4 additional hydroponics units will be installed in Morada Nova soon, and new cash crops of acerola, pitaya, capim sal as well as goat farming will begin in March. We are very excited to move forward with the new knowledge gained during this training and to pursue further economic development in these communities.