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Celebrating Life, Hope and Healing in Brazil

Christmas is often a time filled with busyness: wrapping up schoolwork, work projects, shopping lists and travel plans to see relatives over the holidays. The families and communities in drought-stricken northeast Brazil have been busy as well, investing in their communities’ economic, social and spiritual development. Thanks to all of you who have also invested in this work – this update is sure to encourage you!

Riacho da Porta Hears Chirping, Cheers and Hammers!

Just as many American families have discovered the fun and profit of raising chickens and selling eggs, a new crop of chicks recently hatched to provide resources for supporting activities in the community’s training center. The chicken coop was constructed from materials already available, saving costs. And cheers went up for the first graduating class of the adult literacy class, complete with certificates and a celebration dinner. Finally, community youth pitched in their muscles to finish installing windows at the training center.

Hydroponic Construction and Worship in Morada Nova

The hydroponics model of farming cash crops expands with the construction of 10 units in the community – many thanks to the mayor for his support of this initiative! The community youth were trained in the construction of the units, and when evening set in young people gathered for a night of worship and celebration following a youth retreat.

Santa Andre Provides Training and Hope in the Midst of Suicide

As recent mortality figures identify suicide as a key contributor to a lower life expectancy in the U.S., we are reminded that Brazil is not immune to this growing problem. Community leadership and experts led courses in suicide prevention following a recent attempt by a young person in the community. The young girl (wearing the Coca Cola shirt in the above slide show) has found hope and a second chance at life through Christ after receiving healing support by Kessia and Pedro.

As we wrap up 2018, consider giving a year-end gift or making a commitment this New Year to support Jacob’s Well on a monthly basis. If you can support at a rate of $50 or more each month, you’ll be invited to participate in regular live updates from Brazil! Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us.

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