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A Washed-Out Bridge Challenges a Community to Take Action

The work of Jacob’s Well has always been to strengthen the communities we serve and equip them to be resilient in the face of challenges – THANK YOU for your ongoing support! This strength was tested in April when a key bridge in Riacho da Porta was washed out, effectively cutting the community off from its neighbors. The men came together and pooled resources to quickly construct a temporary bridge to allow travel to resume. While a temporary bridge may seem like a small accomplishment, it demonstrated the power of a community working together to solve urgent problems. And it was a tangible example of community resourcefulness after the completion of World Challenge’s CHE training in April. Below are a few other updates from each community.


With the temporary bridge in place, the home health visits resumed with the help of local motorcyclists! On a related note, the motorcycle repair class completed at the community training center and all students received certificates of completion at the local chamber of commerce. Work continues on the cooperative farming project with construction of the cistern and development of the pitaya fields.

Morada Nova

The materials needed to construct the hydroponics units arrived! Renato, Robson, Dale and KaKa instructed the community members on how to construct the units, and the pitaya farming continues to develop.

Santa Andre

Pedro and Kessia presented a proposal to the municipal government that detailed plans to provide sexual abuse prevention education to community children and adolescents. The work happening in the community was featured in a Brazilian magazine, and the farm at the community training center had its first watermelon harvest.

Porto das Dunas

The leadership continues to meet, pray and plan for the future work in this community.

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