Community Teens Preparing the Cilantro for Harvest
The communities and leadership of Jacob’s Well are beginning to see the results of their labor, and we are excited to report on the continued progress of community development. Plus, additional training for the Jacob’s Well team was given by Cal Bianco of the Brazil for Christian Aid Mission. Your continued support of the work in Brazil provides the stability and continuity needed for progress – thank you! Below are the updates for each community:
Morada Nova
The youth of the Terra Nova community enjoyed their first cilantro harvest from the hydroponic units. As a result, they were able to gain income through the sale of the harvest. Additional training was held in advance of choosing community leaders to move the projects forward.
Riacho da Porta
The farming coop continues its work on the cistern which will store water for irrigation. In addition to the cistern, construction began on a special area of land for cultivating seedlings. Project management professional Kaka provides instruction on business, agriculture, and cooperative processes. Finally, the tutoring and medical clinic efforts continue.
Santa Andre
Pedro and Kessia hosted a team of 8 young adults doing missions work with a focus of evangelism. As a result, unexpected doors opened in the communities as home visits happened. The tutoring, guitar lessons, and literacy classes continue to grow. Enjoy the pictures and video windows into the communities!