One of the challenges facing modern society is isolation. Working from home, online shopping and entertainment on demand keep us conveniently away from others. Is this good for ourselves and for our communities? At Jacobs Well, we think not! That’s why you’ll see updates each month about community trainings, cooperative farm meetings, and projects that bring people together. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from how these families in Brazil find purpose and productivity through coming together. Thank you for your consistent financial support, and consider giving at a higher level in 2020 to help Jacob’s Well expand into new communities!
Community leaders and missionaries attended a CHE (Community Health and Education) course hosted at the training center, coming from far-away places like São Paulo, Recife, and Rio Grande de Norte. A Vacation Bible School was also held at the training center, pulling kids in from surrounding communities. And crates of cilantro and pepper crops continue to be harvested and sold each week in local markets.
Morada Nova
The farming co-op constructed several low-cost hydroponic farming units that are proving to be a reliable income source for participating families. Plus, the co-op has developed processes for working together for caring and harvesting these crops, supporting the community principles of Jacob’s Well.
Santo André
Pedro and Kessia came back home with their new baby boy Tito after spending time in the city. Much-needed rains arrived but with such force that stranded some households and contributed to the death of one motorcycle driver. Work continues to expand the church through home Bible studies, and initial development has begun on crop expansion.