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"Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the first of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours."  Psalms 128:1-2

How can giving food to someone who is hungry actually harm them?

  • Before we answer that, we need to look at how we define poverty:

Many people define it as a simple lack of material things. They say, That "these people" do not have enough food, money, clean water, medicine, housing, etc...

  • But when you ask the materially poor to define poverty, you'll hear things like: 

I'm inferior, ashamed, powerless; I feel less than human and I feel like I cannot change my life.

Feelings of shame, inferiority, and  powerlessness are only made worse when we give handouts.
If we aren't careful, we can treat the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying illness, and our help can be harmful, impacting community resilience.
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Our Solution to this Problem


Building on the agriculture heritage and strengths of each community, Jacob's Well Missions is committed to supporting sustainable economic growth.

Through strategic partnership with local agencies and university leadership, we have seen exciting new farming techniques like hydroponics, drip irrigation, and crop species optimization used to maximize precious water resources.

This way not only put food on the table on members of our communities and income to support the household, and beyond that, it reconcile dignity and empower every man to be the


Sustainable Backyard

We are a ministry that wants not to give a man a fish but to teach a man how to fish. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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