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Health, Hydroponics, Guitar and God

Our mission at Jacob’s Well is to transform poor families and communities so they can move from desperate to thriving spiritually, socially and economically. That’s a tall order because it’s often easier to hand out food and meet immediate needs than do the “heavy lifting” of coaching, training and spiritual development that leads to long term sustaining transformation. The point of these updates is to be accountable to you and to illustrate the real results we are seeing in the drought-stricken northeast region of Brazil.

The training center in Pentecoste hosted a breast cancer awareness training for about 40 women. Nurse Practitioner Lisa led a self-examination training and there were spiritual connections throughout the day. The kids have continued to be tutored, and Bible lessons have been added to teach them how to live like godly boys and girls.

Morada Nova held their first meeting with the local government to start community hydroponic farming. Dale and Robson will be instructing community members how to build the units soon.

Santo Andre is our newest Jacob’s Well community and is moving ahead quickly with the utilization of their training center. Guitar classes have started, and these classes enhance the existing adult literacy and after-school tutoring. Plus, they have started holding church services to bring the community together in hope and dependence on God.

As we approach Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the faithfulness of the entire Jacob’s Well team in Brazil and to each of you for your faithful support. Your monthly donations fuels the leadership, training and guidance that makes all these efforts possible!

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