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Covid Courage

Coronavirus case spikes have been all over the news recently, affecting states and regions in the U.S. and presenting major challenges in Brazil. Despite the discouragement many feel, the Jacob’s Well communities press forward in courage, leading Bible studies, teaching English classes and providing church services and children’s activities. Much of this is coached online, and community leaders have stepped up in the absence of the Jacob’s Well leadership team’s onsite presence. Your faithful support continues to make an incredible impact during this time – thank you and be encouraged by the additional community updates below!

Riacho da Porta

Work continues at the coop, selling their coconut crop, building a small diversion dam to collect river water for irrigation, and making preparations to sell tabasco peppers.

Morada Nova

Progress advances with agricultural projects, selling cilantro, chives and lettuce grown in the hydroponic units and finishing the planting of the urucum and pitaya.

Santo André

Farming continues on the base, but other programs remain on hold at this time due to the health pandemic.

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